Follow the Port on social media:


The Port of Whitman County may create one or more social media accounts to communicate information to constituents, partners, stakeholders and the media. This policy establishes guidelines for the use of official Port social media sites. The Port’s Employee Handbook addresses staff’s personal use of social media.


The Port’s Social Media accounts (including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter) were created by the Port as a limited public forum to provide information and communicate about Port programs, services, issues, events, and activities to the public and our agency partners. The Port uses its chosen Social Media accounts primarily for outgoing communication to keep the public informed. While comments are welcomed from third-party Social Media users (the public), the Port generally does not respond to comments. The Port may, however, respond to questions regarding the post. The Port will not engage in debate but may respond to questions and provide facts. Interaction by or with the Port on its Social Media accounts (including, but not limited to, comments, messages, questions, likes, favorites, shares, retweets, follows, etc.) shall not be considered an endorsement by the Port. 

If the Port determines that a specific Social Media platform is ineffective or is not feasible to maintain, the Port reserves the right to deactivate its Social Media account(s). 

The Port’s website,, is the Port’s preliminary internet presence. Whenever possible, content posted on the Port’s Social Media sites should contain links directing users back to the Port’s official website for in-depth information, forms, documents or other online services necessary to conduct business.


The comments and opinions expressed by commenters on Port social media platforms are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of the Port of Whitman County or its employees. The Port reserves the right to hide and/or remove comments deemed in violation of this social media policy, including but not limited to comments that: 

  • Are not related to the particular post being commented upon.
  • Contain vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language, personal attacks or unsupported accusations.
  • Contain obscene or sexual content or link to obscene or sexual content.
  • Promote, foster or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation.
  • Consist of illegal activity or suggest or encourage illegal activity.
  • Promote or advertise a business or commercial transaction.
  • Contain political statements, including comments that endorse or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions, are prohibited under state law (RCW 42.52.180)
  • Contain information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems.
  • Contain or promote misleading and/or false information.
  • Violate intellectual property rights, copyrights, or the legal ownership interest of another party, including, but not limited to infringement of a copyright, trademark, or any registered mark. 
  • Violate the social media platform’s applicable terms and conditions, statement of rights and responsibilities, etc. 

Comments that are removed will remain in the Port Social Media Archive. Even when deleted, by a non-Port author or by the Port based on the criteria above, comments may be subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56 et. seq. (see Section 7). 


The Port recognizes that the internet is a medium unbound by regular business hours and comments are welcome at any time. Given the need to manage Port resources, however, comments will generally be reviewed only during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Questions posted in comments sections may or may not be reviewed quickly or receive a timely answer. Inappropriate comments made by non-Port authors may or may not be removed in a timely manner.


Anything on Port social media sites may be distributed or reproduced. We ask that you attribute the information to Port of Whitman County, as appropriate. Information from external news sources or websites that you access from this site may be subject to copyright and licensing restrictions (or laws), and you should check directly with sources before distributing such content.


When social media users select a link to an outside website, they are leaving the Port of Whitman County’s social media site(s) and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of that site. The Port is not responsible for transmissions users receive from external websites.


Advertisements that appear on Port social media sites are beyond the Port’s control. Reference to any specific commercial products, processes or services, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Port of Whitman County or its employees.


No comments or posts on Port social media sites shall constitute a legal or official notice or comment to the Port of Whitman County or any official or employee of the Port of Whitman County for any purpose. Official notices or comments must be made by calling 509-397-3791 or 1-800-535-7678, faxing 509-397-4758, emailing or visiting our administrative office at 302 N. Mill Street, Colfax, WA 99111 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. The Port of Whitman County is closed on all major holidays.

The Port’s Social Media accounts are not the avenue to submit public records requests. If a person would like to request records of the Port they can submit a formal Records Request in accordance with the Port’s adopted Public Records Policy here.


All comments and posts on Port social media sites are public records subject to the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) and records retention requirements (RCW 40.14) set by state law. The Port of Whitman County stores and retains content from Port social media sites in compliance with open records laws and policies. Records retention schedules can be found here.


Communications between Commissioners via any personal or Port social media/messaging may potentially constitute a “meeting” under the Open Public Meetings Act, RCW 42.30. For this reason, Commissioners are prohibited from posting on social media discussions/threads regarding Port business that involve a quorum of Commissioners, and are strongly discouraged from “following”, “friending” or “liking” other Commissioner-specific posts.

Content suggestions from individual Commissioners (such as a quote, event photo, etc.) shall be directed to the Executive Director for approval. Authorized Communications staff shall post as directed by the Executive Director.


Authorized Communications staff will upload content onto the Port’s Social Media as directed by the Executive Director. Non-authorized employees are to refrain from posting on Port Social Media to prevent the possibility of private social media content becoming the subject to a public records request.


Exhibit A

Port of Whitman County Social Media Disclaimers

The following disclaimer language must be displayed to users on all Port Social Media accounts:

Although the Port encourages posts and comments on its webpages and social media sites, these sites are limited public forums and are moderated by Port staff. All posted content (comments, photos, links, etc.) must be related to the topic at hand. The following posts and comments are prohibited on Port social media sites:

• Not topically related to the particular post being commented upon.

• Contains vulgar, offensive, threatening or harassing language, personal attacks or unsupported accusations.

• Contains obscene or sexual content or links to obscene or sexual content.

• Promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation.

• Consists of illegal activity or suggests or encourages illegal activity.

• Promotes or advertises a business or commercial transaction.

• Contains political statements, including comments that endorse or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions, are prohibited under state law (RCW 42.52.180)

• Contains information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems.

• Contains or promotes misleading and/or false information.

• Violates intellectual property rights, copyrights, or the legal ownership interest of another party, including, but not limited to infringement of a copyright, trademark, or any registered mark. 

• Violates the social media platform’s applicable terms and conditions, statement of rights and responsibilities, etc.

Port Social Media accounts are subject to Washington State Public Records Act RCW 42.56 et. seq. and Records Retention Laws RCW 40.14 et. seq, and as such, any comments, posts, and/or other engagement on or with the Port’s social media accounts by other social media users are retained by the Port in accordance with Washington State public records retention laws and may be disclosed to third parties.

If you have any questions concerning the operation of this unmoderated site, please contact the Port at .